Thursday, January 27, 2011

My Internet

My favorite thing to do on internet is to get on flash games and get on face book. The rest of the time I get on yahoo news and read about the crazy news across the globe.

Friday, January 14, 2011

My Other Game

My game is called the The Race Against Time, and the basics of the game is to go through Mayan History to levels to stop 2012 from happening, you are the only hope for mankind to exist. Each level will represent a part of Mayan History and their culture.

Favorite Teacher

My favorite teacher would have to be Mrs. Ward from middle school she was pretty cool. She leached English for sixth graders at C-K middle school, she was very funny and made us have a good time in class and made everything fun.

About Duck Hunt Astronomy

My game has 25 levels, and 3 screen shots, the main idea is of the game is to shoot the correct astronomy term that is falling down the screen and if it reaches the bottom the world as we know will no exist, so the duck is defending you don't shoot him.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Time Travel

If I were to travel time I would travel to October 28,1955 when Bill Gates was born and become his best best best best friend forever and ever and ever and ever!!! Then I would still his account number and take his money!!