Monday, November 29, 2010

Game Update

My game is coming along smoothly I have out most of the drawing done for the first level. My game has many perks and many downfalls. I'm am in the process of fixing these problems on my platform game.

My Favorite Video Game

My favorite game of all time would have to be Spyro the Dragon for the PlayStation. It was the greatest idea ever for any kid. Who didn't want to control a dragon the bashed things and spit fire. Spyro is a great classic for any age that is why Spyro is the best video game ever!!!!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thanksgiving Break

Over thanksgiving break I am going to sleep all day because I hardly get to sleep in because of school and work. So after I sleep and get refreshed I am going to get my body for the thing called thanksgiving dinner. I will then after that week is done I am guessing that my life will go back to normal and boring and I will be in the same freaking routine everyday.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bucket List

Their are several things I would like to do before I die, first I would like to just travel the world for no reason but to explore what is outside America. Then I want to run with the bulls in one of those things you do in Spain. Then finally I would want to school the boss in a rap battle doing that would be the best thing of man kind.

Monday, November 15, 2010

My Gaming Hero

If I were to be a character in a game it would have to be Spyro the Dragon. I mean come on who doesn't want to be a purple dragon that breathes fire and bashes things with his horns. It was my favorite game growing up and is still to this day my favorite game of all time. Sypro was a awesome little dude that kicked some Gnasty Knorc butt everyday. He is my game hero.


If I were to choose to be any animal I would choose to be a shark. The first reason for this choice is because I can just eat what ever I want and if you mess with me Ill just eat you. Second who wouldn't want to swim all over the world and terrorize people and smaller fish.

Friday, November 5, 2010

It is one of the easiest types of games you can make as a game designer. It is also one of my favorite games to make and play. The most interesting part of making the game was creating the motion tween for objects, I thought that was awesome. I have learned to make a okay game with flash and i have learned to be able to write some code. Maybe because of coding errors I might make, I can always go back to this game for help and ideas.